Monday, April 13, 2009

Elder Holland's Easter Message

I know that Easter is "over" now, but I wanted to post this video the church put together from Elder Holland's talk from General Conference. This was a great talk. Everybody has a favorite Apostle or two and Elder Holland is one of mine. There's nothing wrong with having a favorite Apostle is there? It's not like I'm collecting their trading cards and swapping them with the neighborhood kids. Anyways, although I wish they used different footage behind his talk, this video is still pretty good.
He is risen!


Jason said...

Elder Holland's talk is one of the most memorable Conference talks I've heard in my life. Regardless of a person's faith, the sincerity and depth of love and appreciation for the Savior is so strong in Elder Holland's voice, one can't help but feel his or her testimony that Christ is the Son of God enlarged and strengthened. What a great Easter message.

Anonymous said...

I agree, you don't ever really think about how lonely Jesus must have been. His talk made me even more grateful for our Savior.

kate said...

This was one of my favorite talks. Elder Holland has such a great way of teaching the gospel. Plus, He gave me a new perspective on the thought of Peter betraying him. Maybe he was instructed to do so, and we simply don't know, because we weren't there. Good stuff for sure! ;)